Comprehensive Marine Insurance Plans.

Enjoy reliable insurance at a favourable price.

Marine Insurance

Covers damage or loss to merchandise during their transportation by vessel, aircraft or overland transportation, where the transportation is made by third parties. Offers the ability to choose the extent of the offered cover according to the client's needs. The three basic covers A, B and C are shown further below.

Our Covers

Institute Cargo Clauses (C)

Covers loss or damage to merchandise caused by:

  • Fire or explosion.
  • Vessel being stranded, grounded, sunk or capsizing.
  • Overturning or derailment of land conveyance.
  • Collision or contact of the vessel, or any other conveyance, with any external object other than water.
  • Discharge of cargo at a distress port.
  • General Average Sacrifice.
  • Jettison.
  • General Average Contribution and Salvage Charges.
  • Both to Blame Collision Clause.

Institute Cargo Clauses (B)

All the risks of Clauses (C) are covered. Additionally, loss or damage to merchandise attributable to the following, is also covered:

  • Earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightning.
  • Entry of sea, lake or river water into the vessel, container, or place of storage.
  • Washing overboard.

The insurance also covers TOTAL loss of the package, caused by:

  • Escape from the vessel deck, or drop in the sea while being loaded on to, or being unloaded from, the vessel.

Institute Cargo Clauses (A)

Covers any accidental loss or damage to merchandise (All Risks) except those excluded.


  • Loss or damage caused by the wilful misconduct of the insured.
  • Ordinary leakage, ordinary losses in weight or volume or ordinary wear and tear.
  • Loss or damage caused by the insufficient or unsuitable packing or preparation of the merchandise and its insufficient or unsuitable stacking in a container.
  • Loss or damage caused by the inherent vice or nature of the merchandise themselves.
  • Loss or damage caused by a delay even if the delay was caused by an insured risk.
  • Loss or damage caused by the insolvency or financial default of the owners, managers, charterers or operators of the vessel.
  • Loss or damage caused by radioactive or nuclear matter.
  • Loss or damage arising from the unseaworthiness and unfitness of the vessel, other conveyance or container, but only where the insured or their employees were privy to such unseaworthiness and unfitness at the time of loading.
  • Loss or damage arising from war, derelict mines, seizure etc.
  • Loss or damage caused by strikers, terrorists or persons acting with a political motive etc.
Aimed at
  • Importers/exporters of merchandise.
  • Commission agents.
  • Individuals importing or exporting personal items.

Certainty and security that in case of damage to the transported merchandise the Company will restore the insured to the initial financial situation he was in, before the damage occurred.

Genikes Insurance is the choice for you

  1. Comprehensive Plans
  2. Reliable Insurance
  3. Fair Claims handling 

Marine Insurance (B) covers a total loss of a load due to its falling from the deck of the ship or falling into the sea ONLY during its loading or unloading from the ship.

Marine Insurance provides the option of extending the cover on offer in line with your needs.

Genikes Insurance is the choice for you.

Comprehensive Plans

You can choose between many insurance options.

Reliable Insurance

Best General Sector insurance company according to World Finance Insurance Awards 2024

Fast Service

Following damages, we handle Claims directly and effectively.